Layers of Silence creates greater awareness of the culture of silence that enables abuse within professional sports and challenges the structures that perpetuate it.
Layers of Silence, unpacks the complex layers of power abuse within a professional sports by deconstructing the narrative, sharing my own experiences and visualising examples of how athletes, families, and others can become entangled in a cycle of secrecy.
1 in 3 Dutch citizens still believe that sexual harassment and abuse don’t happen in sports. Yet, the statistics tell a different story: 1 in 8 of Dutch adults who participated as children in sports report experiencing sexual harassment before their eighteenth. Playing sports has been proven beneficial and is a basic element of childhood development. Prevention starts with understanding, awareness, and recognition.
Layers of Silence visualises the culture of silence that enables abuse within professional sports and challenges the structures that perpetuate it. The creative approach, materials and shape of the layers serve as metaphors. Each tapestry symbolises a position in the social web by using materials from the period the abuse happened and removing it from its original context. At the same time, keeping the material in the shape of a single judo mat. As a reflection that you can transform but can never completely escape your history.
To uncover one’s experiences of abuse takes courage, especially with the general taboo on sexual abuse. Breaking the silence has been a very important part of this project. The audio guidance invites you to listen closely, look beyond the surface, and uncover what has been hidden for too long. This is to make fellow survivors feel seen, open up dialogues between parents, and create essential awareness for the general public.
These layers are more than an artistic expression. They are my story and the stories of many others.
''Begrijp me niet verkeerd, maar''
''Wat hij vraagt, dat doe je''
''Er is iets niet juist''
''You will never get rid of me''
''Ik ben bang''
This is the first time I’ve experienced something like this in an artistic research paper—reading between the social, critical, personal, and artistic layers, accompanied by diverse visual materials. Together, they form a nearly tangible message: your deep will to share with the world, a sign of your profound desire to be visible—a true manifestation.
Feedback on research paper Layers of Silence
Het persoonlijke wordt invoelbaar gemaakt voor een breed publiek. Over alle onderdelen is grondig nagedacht. Dit project levert een nieuw perspectief / geluid op in de veelheid van verhalen over grensoverschrijdend gedrag en misbruik door mensen met macht. Aangrijpend, maar zonder slachtofferschap te etaleren.
Feedback on project Layers of Silence